This course is designed to help supervisors learn about the difficult, yet important, issue of diversity and discrimination in the workplace. Supervisors must understand discrimination laws and actively promote diversity if they want employees to be respectful of one another and to maximize their potential. Length: 60 minutes This course covers the following topics: Introduction It’s Your Job Every Workplace is Diverse Diversity in the Workplace What is Diversity What does Diversity Mean Benefits and Challenges of Diversity A Culture of Inclusion Discrimination Employer Liability What is Discrimination The EEOC Harassment Types of Discrimination Adverse Actions Protected Class How the Laws Apply Federal & State Provisions The EEOC & the State Reasonable Accommodations Labor Relations & Practices Whistleblower Laws State Protections Business Necessity Read more
Giving employee feedback can be hard—and sometimes a little scary. Yet the benefits to giving feedback are abundant: improved engagement, self-awareness, motivation and performance. In this course, you’ll first learn how to prepare for and effectively conduct a feedback meeting. You’ll then discover what to do when an employee reacts poorly and how to respond to other common negative reactions to feedback. Read more

When you're out on the road, you see a lot of drivers: some good, some average, and some you never want to see again. You can't control what other drivers do. And you can't control the condition of the road or the hazards you encounter. But there is one thing you can control all the time, and that's how you drive. No matter what type of vehicle you're in—a car, pickup truck, utility van, straight truck, or passenger van—when you drive defensively, your safety, and the safety of those around you, is in your hands. Defensive driving combines planning, constant attention, and a positive, proactive attitude. It's not a question of if you'll face hazards on the road. It's a question of when. This program is designed to help drivers avoid preventable injuries by recognizing and avoiding risks and adopting safe practices. Length: 50 minutes Outline: Preparation Trip Planning Pre-trip Vehicle Inspection Driving Hazards Driving Hazards Weather Distracted Driving Driving Defensively Driving Defensively Speed & Space Management Perception Stopping Distance Attitude Read more

These courses can be used to help satisfy the theory instruction portion of the new entry-level driver training (ELDT) requirements that go into effect on February 7, 2022. To satisfy the theory instruction requirements, these courses must be assigned and administered by a school or other entity listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Training Provider Registry (TPR). To satisfy the complete ELDT training requirements, the school or entity conducting the training must provide the driver-trainee "behind-the-wheel" instruction in addition to theory instruction. Learn more about the ELDT requirements. As part of Safe & Smart Driver Training, these entry-level driver training courses provide safer, smarter training for all company sizes. Training courses can be used with the Entry-Level Driver Training: Obtaining A CDL student manual and trainer manual for a comprehensive ELDT program. Length: 13 hours Read more

As part of Safe & Smart Driver Training, the Non-CDL Driver Training for Inexperienced Drivers courses provide safer, smarter training for all company sizes. Inexperienced drivers are those who have been operating a CMV for a year or less and require more in-depth orientation training. Length: 170 minutes Read more

As part of Safe & Smart Driver Training, the CDL Class A Driver Training courses provide safer, smarter training for all company sizes. Inexperienced drivers are those who have been operating a CMV for a year or less and require more in-depth orientation training. Length: 12 hours Read more
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