Incidental spills of hazardous substances pose a wide range of risks to employees and organizations. Being prepared and properly responding to these spills can make a difference in reducing exposures, preventing slips and falls, and keeping the workplace clean and dry. Read more

Eduque a sus empleados sobre cómo mantener una espalda sana y tomar medidas preventivas para evitar lesiones en la espalda. Duración: 60 minutos Este curso: Ayuda a sus empleados a comprender los principios básicos de la salud de la espalda y las prácticas de prevención más comunes para evitar una lesión en la espalda. Cubre las técnicas adecuadas que se deben utilizar al levantar/bajar, sentarse, pararse, empujar, tirar, trepar, girar, alcanzar y estirar demasiado. Explora escenarios del mundo real de tareas rutinarias comunes en la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo, así como también cómo se pueden realizar de forma correcta y segura. Ofrece consejos esenciales para la prevención de lesiones en la espalda con varios estiramientos y ejercicios destinados a mejorar la flexibilidad, la resistencia y la salud general de la espalda. Read more

In this course, you’ll learn exactly what you’re dealing with in a phishing attack, as well as how to spot one. Most importantly, you’ll pick up immediately applicable tips to prevent theft and stop attackers in their tracks. Read more

This course is part of the Employee Retention Toolkit. Anyone who purchases the toolkit will have access to this course. Purchase the kit here. A business is only as good as the people who work there. So how do you make sure you find and keep the best people? In this course, you’ll learn all the stages of talent management—from recruiting to transition. You’ll also discover ways to connect and develop relationships that benefit both the business and the talent you hire. Read more

This course is part of the Employee Retention Toolkit. Anyone who purchases the toolkit will have access to this course using the coupon code. What is motivation? It’s what makes you spring out of bed in the morning or smile when you see who’s calling. It makes you willing to put in a long day to close that sale. In short, motivation is the reason you do what you do. Motivation comes from internal and external forces—and those forces are unique to every person. But why should managers learn about motivation? For starters, motivated employees are more productive, happier at work and stick around longer. So, how can managers motivate employees? In this course, you’ll review types of motivation. You’ll also understand the unique forces that motivate individuals—and use that knowledge to everyone’s advantage. Read more

This course is designed to help employees learn about the difficult, yet important, issue of diversity and discrimination in the workplace. There are discrimination laws all employees must know, but this course also educates on what it means to embrace diversity, and the benefits we all gain, personally and professionally. Length: 60 minutes This course covers the following topics: Introduction It’s Your Job Every Workplace is Diverse Your Responsibilities Diversity in the Workplace What is Diversity What Does Diversity Mean Similarities & Differences Diversity Means Complexity Benefits and Challenges of Diversity Diversity is Currency A Culture of Inclusion Discrimination What is Discrimination The EEOC Harassment Types of Discrimination & How it Happens Determining a Hostile Environment Workplace Banter Employment Actions Protected Classes Adverse actions Protected Class How the Laws Apply Federal & State Provisions The EEOC & the State FMLA – Family and Medical Leave Act Military Leave Labor Relations & Practices Read more
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